Sunday, October 17, 2010

How Do You Handle a Silent Clam?

Quiet employees are often excellent workers. But, their silence means that they are not sharing ideas or updating others on their progress.

Silent Clam
1. Don't attempt to launch conversations with them. The more you try, the more they may retreat into their shell.
2. Paraphrase what they say. By showing that you listen without judgment, you send a message that you care about understanding them and, do not pose a threat.
3. Ask open-ended questions. You are not looking for a single word response. Ask the following: "What are your feelings about our new client?" A highly experienced clam can remain unresponsive when asked an open-ended question, but it requires considerable effort to do so.
4. If a clam stays closed, avoid a polite ending. Instead, terminate the meeting yourself and set up another appointment. He'll catch on that you mean business.

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