Sunday, October 17, 2010

How Do You Handle a Jealous Boss?

The best bosses like to be surrounded by talent and ambition. In fact they welcome it. But, if you are stuck with a boss who is jealous of your talents, then you need to neutralize his thinly veiled hostility or even turn it into admiration. Here is what you can do:

1. Recognize their expertise: Acknowledge their insights: Say, "you clearly know this area, what do you think should be done?"
2. Feign Innocence: Act as if you don't notice or don't care about their subtle signs of envy. Don't get caught trying to fend off their attacks. If you do, you will waste negative energy disliking them.
3. Dish out compliments: Identify what you genuinely admire about your boss. Praise some aspect of his performance or personality with other bosses, vendors or key customers. When you periodically compliment your boss to others, you strip away his resentment and you undercut his jealousy.

He Devil

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